WVCEH serves as the HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Lead Agency for 44 counties that make up the WV Balance of State (BoS). The responsibilities of a CoC Lead Agency are as follows:

  • Operate the CoC by:
    • Holding membership meetings
    • Developing performance targets
    • Planning and conducting the PIT Count
    • Planning for CoC homeless needs and services
    • Reporting to HUD on CoC performance measures
    • Facilitating the application to HUD for CoC funding
  • Have a partnership with the ESG Recipient by:
    • Developing a centralized/coordinated entry system
    • Monitoring recipients in consultation with the ESG recipient
    • Planning for ESG funding allocation
    • Developing written standards for assistance under the CoC
  • Designate and operate a Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)

Drawing on the knowledge, expertise, and assistance from a wide variety of people and agencies who can help end homelessness in the WV BoS CoC is vital to the continual improvement of the CoC in its fight against homelessness. The WV BoS CoC Steering Committee is the governing body that shall oversee the implementation of the Continuum of Care Interim Rule (24 CFR 578) in the Balance of State and advise the WVCEH CoC Staff on policy changes relative to the CoC operation and function.


The Governance Structure of WVCEH is two-fold: The WVCEH Board of Directors and the Governance Structure for the WV Balance of State Continuum of Care (WV BoS CoC). Various subcommittees conduct the day-to-day business of the CoC, which includes frontline trends, evidence-based practices and client advocacy, HMIS and reporting, Sub-population needs, staff development and training, and Coordinated Entry. Subcommittees make recommendations to the Steering Committee on emergency issues. The steering committee helps decide the strategic direction and initiatives of the CoC. They provides representative input as to the direction, performance, and success of the CoC. The following subcommittees who report to the CoC Steering Committee are as follows:

  • HMIS End User Subcommittee: Provides input on the function, quality, and needs of the CoC’s Homeless Management Information System (HMIS).
  • Independent Rating and Ranking Committee: A group independent of the CoC-funded projects that reviews project quality and performance data annually and decides the rate and rank of all CoC projects during the annual HUD funding competition.
  • Youth Action Board (YAB): Provide opportunities for young adults to work collaboratively with adult partners to address system barriers and improve coordination among state agencies and local providers to prevent and end youth homelessness across the CoC.
  • Veteran: Veteran-focused providers who review policies and refine procedures to ensure any Veteran experiencing homelessness quickly has access to safe, affordable housing.
  • Victim Service Providers (VSP): Provides input on behalf of those fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence. Helps shape the type and quality of care this population needs.
  • Outreach: Provides input on the needs and trends of the unsheltered population across the CoC, developing service standards and regularly assessing data to guide the CoC on resource targeting with regards to staffing, healthcare partnerships, and housing assistance.

The Governance Structure of the WV BoS CoC will be fluid, and living in its nature as the needs and demands of ending homelessness across 44 rural counties will be ever in flux.

The Governance of the CoC will draw from the 8 main regions of the WV Balance of State CoC:

WV Balance of State Continuum of Care

It is of utmost importance to the CoC staff and member organizations that providers from a wide array of disciplines and persons with lived experience of homelessness have an opportunity to participate in the WV BoS CoC Steering Committee and its subcommittees. For more information on joining one of our committees, please email Lauren Frederick at laurenfrederick@wvceh.org.

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes can be found here.

CoC Bylaws and Governance can be found here.