The FY2024-25 CoC Competition is OPEN! We are seeking NEW applicants!
This funding opportunity under the HUD Continuum of Care (CoC) Program (24 CFR part 578) is designed to promote a community-wide commitment to the goal of ending homelessness; to provide funding for efforts by nonprofit providers, states, Indian Tribes or tribally designated housing entities (as defined in section 4 of the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (25 U.S.C. 4103) (TDHEs)), and local governments to quickly rehouse homeless individuals, families, persons fleeing domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking, and youth while minimizing the trauma and dislocation caused by homelessness; to promote access to and effective utilization of mainstream programs by homeless individuals and families, and to optimize self-sufficiency among those experiencing homelessness.
HUD has yet to release the FY2024 CoC Program Competition Annual Renewal Demand (ARD) Amount Report, but the estimated ARD Amount for the WV Balance of State (BoS) CoC’s 44-county service area is expected to be $6,694,863 based on the FY2023 funding levels. Since the ARD has historically exceeded the Preliminary Pro Rata Need Amount (PPRN) for the geography of the WV BoS CoC, the WV BoS CoC will not be eligible for new funding, except through the CoC Bonus or Domestic Violence (DV) Bonus. The DV Bonus, as described in the NOFO is up to 15% of the PPRN (also not yet published for FY24) for the CoC and the Regular CoC Bonus is up to 12% of the Final Pro Rata Need Amount (FPRN) for the CoC.
- CoC Bonus Allocation for the WV BoS CoC = $803,383 (projected from FY24 estimated ARD amount)
- DV Bonus Allocation for the WV BoS CoC =$716,969 in FY23 (projected – FY24 PPRNs not yet published)
Agencies applying for funding for new projects under the FY24-25 CoC NOFO will only be accepted if the Ranking and Rating Committee reallocates funding from current renewal projects or the agency applies for new CoC or DV Bonus funding. Upon receipt of a LOI, the CoC Staff at WVCEH will discuss the continued application with the Project Applicant to determine the possible amount of funding available through reallocation/bonus and the need in the given community.
HUD Project Selection and Funding Process: HUD will continue the Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding selection process. Tier 1 is equal to 90 percent of the CoC’s ARD as described in section I.B.2.b.(1) of the FY24-25 CoC NOFO minus the sum of all ARAs of non-competitive YHDP Renewal and YHDP Replacement projects. Project applications in Tier 1 will be conditionally selected from the highest scoring CoC nationwide to the lowest scoring CoC nationwide, provided the project applications pass both project eligibility and project quality threshold review, and if applicable, project renewal threshold. In the event insufficient funding is available to award all Tier 1 projects, Tier 1 will be reduced proportionately, which could result in some Tier 1 projects falling into Tier 2. Tier 2 is the difference between Tier 1 and the maximum amount of CoC Renewal (including DV Renewal), CoC Reallocation, DV Bonus, DV Reallocation, and CoC Bonus funds that a CoC applies for.
Estimated Amounts the WV BoS CoC will be eligible to apply for:
Tier 1: $5,984,876
Tier 2: $709,987
Estimated CoC Bonus: $803,383
Estimated DV Bonus: $716,969
CoC Planning: $334,743 (5% of the projected Final Pro Rata Need/ARD)
Timeline of the FY2024-25 Competition
- Letters of Intent to apply are due to the WV BoS CoC Lead Agency (WVCEH) on 8/23/24. (New Projects Only)
- Project Applicant virtual training 10:00am-12:00pm on 8/29/24.
- Agency Threshold forms (both New and Renewal Projects) due to the CoC on 8/30/24. (Renewal projects have already received this form and new project applicants will be sent this form following LOI submission.)
- Project draft applications due in e-snaps for CoC review on 9/9/24.
- Project final applications due in e-snaps on 9/20/24.
- CoC Rating and Ranking subcommittee agency virtual presentations are tentatively scheduled for the week of 9/30/24, contingent on the committee’s availability. (Final Interview schedule will be sent out once all applications are received).
- Public posting and agency notifications of selection, rank, and funding amount will be sent out by 10/10/24.
- Public posting of full application by 10/23/24.
- CoC submits the full application (including the Collaborative Application, Project Applications, and Project Priority Listing) to HUD by 10/25/24.
Letters of Intent to Apply are due to the CoC via Google Form at
**UPDATE** As of 8/22/24, the final FY24 Annual Renewal Demands (ARD) were published by HUD and are as follows for the WV BoS CoC:
Final ARD Amount: $6,694,863
Tier 1: 90% of the CoC’s ARD = $4,883,737
Note: YHDP ARA = $1,268,489 (These projects are included in the ARD but not ranked.)
Tier 2: Remaining 10% ARD ($542,637) + DV Bonus ($844,085) + CoC Bonus ($803,384) = $2,190,106
CoC Planning: $334,743 (not included in ARD)
Balance of State HUD CoC Competition NOFOs
Below are all the WV Balance of State Continuum of Care Collaborative Applications for CoC Funds from 2013 to Present.
Fiscal Years 2024-2025
Click here to access a recording of the CoC Project Applicant training
Fiscal Year 2023
Fiscal Year 2022
CoC Community Planning Meeting 1 Recording
CoC Community Planning Meeting 2 Recording
CoC Community Planning Meeting 3 Recording
Check back regularly for attachments.
Fiscal Year 2021
Expand the box to see all documents for the FY21 NOFO.
Fiscal Year 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the FY20 funding renewed grants for existing programs. This process was dramatically streamlined because communities have been and will continue to be consumed with COVID-19 response and have limited capacity to participate in the traditional CoC competition.
Fiscal Year 2019
Fiscal Year 2018
Fiscal Year 2017
Fiscal Year 2016
Fiscal Year 2015
Fiscal Year 2014
Fiscal Year 2013